
Foliar Sampling Operation (Using Firearms) – North East Region 2024

June 3, 2024

HVP Plantations wish to advise of upcoming foliar sampling operation in the plantations in the North East region of Victoria.  HVP is undertaking an operation to collect foliar samples from trees 10-18 years of age, as a part of a program to assess their nutritional status. Samples are collected by shooting growing tips from the crowns of trees using a shotgun. We use professional licenced shooters to undertake this operation, and there will be no samples taken within 200m of any residences.

Areas where samples are being collected include plantations located at – : Abbeyard, Emu, Nug Nug, Ovens, Basin Creek, Merriang, Emu, Stanley, Bruarong,  Bright, Porepunkah, Freeburgh, Germans Creek,  Havilah, Dingle, Magpie,

Shelley North & South,

Crystal Creek, Kinglake, Buxton, Narbethong,

Toombullups, Warrenbayne,

The operation is scheduled to commence in June, and will take approximately 2-3 weeks to complete.

HVP will install on ground signage to highlight the specific area being worked in. Local Police will be notified before operations commence.
Maps showing the location of the planned plantations are found using the links below.

Ovens Plantation Maps

Abbeyard_Emu_Merriang_Nug Nug

Bright_Freeburgh_German Creek_Havilah_Porepunkah



Central Plantation Maps


Crystal Creek

Kinglake West


Benalla Plantation Maps


Blue Range_Holland_Lower Ryan_Upper Middle

©2024 Hancock Victorian Plantations