
Visitor Induction

Remember – these are working plantations – you are responsible for your own safety and enter at your own risk.

Before you access our plantations, we need you to understand more about what you need to do to be safe on our land. We want to ensure everyone (HVP staff, contractors and their employees and our Visitors) returns home safely each night.

Prior to accessing HVP land for the first time you must complete the Visitor Induction and agree to the Terms and Conditions.

Monitor the HVP Facebook page prior to any access, for notification of local plantation closures.

Applicants need to have completed and agreed to the Visitor Induction Terms and conditions prior to applying for a Human Powered Pass or any Permit.

Check out the information below on:
General Guidelines
Non-permitted Activities
Life Protecting Rules
Forest Operation Worksites
Warranty & Indemnity
Visitor Induction Agreement Form.

General Guidelines

Remember – these are working plantations – you are responsible for your own safety and enter at your own risk.


You may only access HVP land during daylight hours. Entry to some areas of HVP land may be restricted due to safety, conservation or operational requirements.


You are responsible for your own safety and those in your care and should consider the safety of others.


Follow directions displayed on signs and instructions from HVP staff and operators at all times.


Road Usage

Drive to conditions and road quality on formed, gravel roads only.

Ensure your vehicle is registered, in sound mechanical condition and free of noxious weeds, soil contaminants and leaking oil and fuel.

Ensure drivers are licensed and everyone wears a seatbelt.

Park safely away from streams and drainage lines without obstructing traffic flows or operations.

Remember – these are working plantations – Watch out for log trucks and forestry operations and observe road conditions and drive accordingly.

If possible have a working UHF radio for communication and follow the Communications Protocol for HVP Land.

Be aware that permission to enter HVP land is automatically revoked on days of Total Fire Ban or during a HVP Forest Closure, or on a day when extreme weather is forecast such as gale force winds, hail storms, flooding or snow falls.

Report any fire on or near HVP land to 000.

Protect the Environment:

Take all your litter (including cigarette butts) and rubbish home with you when you leave.

Report any fuel leaks or oil spills.

General Conditions

Report all suspicious activity or dangerous behaviour to 000.

Wear and use appropriate protective equipment accepted as standard for your activity.

Follow the accepted standard safe operating procedures for your activity.

Report near misses, incidents and all accidents to HVP.

Note that surveillance cameras are installed throughout HVP land to ensure the safety and security of people and property.

Do not:

Light a fire on HVP land.

Smoke in a HVP office, depot building or HVP vehicle.

Dump or leave any rubbish or waste.

Destroy or remove any flora or fauna.

Let toilet waste enter waterways.

Carry chemicals or dangerous goods or anything which is lethal or dangerous to humans, flora or faun

Consume alcohol or illegal drugs on HVP land.

Carry or use firearms or projectile weapons on HVP land.

Non-permitted Activity

Activities requiring specific written authority

Certain activities are only permitted on HVP Land with specific written authorisation, these include:

Motorised activities including motorbike or motocross riding.

Driving of vehicles off formed roads, including 4WD touring.

Cutting or removing firewood.

Destroying or removing flora or fauna (including mushroom/fungi foraging).

Shooting or hunting.

Lighting of fires.


Any organised group event or tour.

Accessing HVP land outside daylight hours.


Protocols for communications

This procedure must be followed to communicate your location when travelling along all haulage roads, or any roads marked with kilometre (km) markers, to ensure everyone’s safety:

UHF Radios must be on and tuned to channel 40 outside HVP land, In some areas outside HVP land, signage will indicate a specified channel for that road site.

Contractors will have their own UHF channel for use on their sites (displayed using on-site signage).

Vehicles must identify their entry to any HVP land on:

Channel 28
HVP Land Gippsland
Channel 25
HVP Land Northern
Channel 13
HVP Land Western

All vehicles within HVP land should identify their location as they proceed, by frequently calling on the appropriate UHF channel at recognised points, which may be distance signs (km’s markers), or other road signs or landmarks.

Vehicles travelling into HVP land are to call:

“Empty” at
“In” at
“In” at

Vehicles travelling out of HVP land are to call:

“Loaded” at
“Out” at
“Out” at

Respond to any calls from other vehicles travelling on the same road.

Call any hazards on route (inform appropriate person e.g. loader operator, office or next truck)


Use clear and concise language.

Avoid excessive use of the UHF radio that interferes with other users.

The UHF radio is a public facility and its use reflects on the forest industry, no offensive language, sexual references and discriminatory innuendos are to be used.

Please note that radios cannot be relied upon to know where all other vehicles are on the road. Radios enhance road safety but do not account for:

Unsafe driving.

Vehicles without UHF radios.

Radio blind spots where there is no radio transmission.

Life Protecting Rules

As part of HVP’s commitment to protecting the health and safety of HVP employees, contractors and visitors it has developed LIFE PROTECTING RULES which describe specific behaviours which if breached may put your life and the life of others at risk.

STOP and ACT on unsafe behaviour; if you observe a breach of a Life Protecting Rule you must take action immediately.

If you breach a Life Protecting Rule you may be asked to leave HVP land.

I will follow these life protecting rules;

Always isolate energy sources before working on vehicles, plant and equipment.

Never tamper with or override safety features on vehicles, plant or machinery.

Always keep the required safe distance from hazardous operations.

Always wear a seat belt when driving or operating a vehicle or machinery, where fitted.

Never work under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

Never use a hand-held mobile phone while driving a vehicle or operating machinery.

Forest Operation Worksites

STOP – Do not enter

Forest operations such as harvesting and delivery have specific controls in place to protect the safety of people who come in contact with them, and minimise any potential risks.

Do not enter a forestry operation worksite unless you have made radio contact (UHF radio) and have permission to enter.

While on HVP land Visitors must abide by all the instructions detailed on any WorkSite Operations Plan, including all controls listed on the Risk Assessment.

These sites are designated on roadways with the use of safety signs.

Stop at the designated signs, and obey all signage.

Make contact with the operator using their designated radio channel (UHF radio). Do not proceed through worksite unless operator provides permission.

While on the Work site Visitors must maintain communications on the contractor’s nominated channel. If a visitor is to be out of contact for any period of time, they must first advise the contractor, as to where they will be while out of contact.

When leaving the Work site, or returning after a period out of contact, the visitor should advise the operator.

Warranty and Indemnity

The Visitor acknowledges that accessing HVP land for a recreational activity may be dangerous and warrants that HVP, its officers, employees, agents and contractors are (to the maximum extent permissible at law) not liable to the Visitor (or any member of your group), its dependants or legal representatives for any personal or property damage suffered by the Visitor (or any member of your group).

You the Visitor indemnify and agrees to keep HVP, its officers, employees, agents and contractors indemnified against any loss or damage HVP may suffer as a result of your negligence or breach of these terms and conditions.

The above conditions are for your safety and we appreciate your co-operation. Please enjoy your visit and remain safe.

Visitor Induction Agreement

HVP will collect and maintain information about you in accordance with our privacy policy found at

I have read, understood and agree to be bound by the Visitor Induction Guideline terms and conditions.

    By submitting this form you agree to the above terms & conditions.

    ©2024 Hancock Victorian Plantations