
Health, Safety & Wellbeing Policy

Hancock Victorian Plantations (HVP) cares for the Health Safety and Wellbeing of its employees, contractors and other people that may be impacted by our operations.

Our Mission is to manage the plantation estate in a safe and sustainable way to optimise the return to our investors whilst balancing the needs of our employees, customers, and local communities.

Through embracing our values of Integrity, Respect, Commercially and Customer Focused, Responsible, Accountability and Innovation, HVP seeks to consistently meet or exceed our agreed Health, Safety and Wellbeing commitments and the activities that underpin these.

In order to deliver the highest level of Health, Safety and Wellbeing to our employees, contractors and others impacted by our business operations, HVP continually strive to meet and exceed requirements of OHS legislation and regulations.

We recognise our people as our most valuable asset and acknowledge that their state of physical, mental, social and financial wellbeing ensures that they are best placed to deliver our services in a safe and mutually respectful manner.

Through continually reviewing and improving our systems to enhance the performance of our company we:

  • Create safe and healthy working conditions that protect the wellbeing of our employees, contractors, customers and the public, through identifying and eliminating hazards and reducing the risk as far as is reasonably practicable.
  • Understand, communicate and work toward minimising our Critical Risks.
  • Consult with our employees on the management of Health, safety and wellbeing at HVP.
  • Implement our Health, Safety and Wellbeing Strategy and processes to promote the physical, mental, social and financial wellbeing of our workers.
  • Provide and maintain safe systems of work including access to plant and equipment that is fit for purpose.
  • Increase the capability and confidence of all managers and supervisors to support workers health and wellbeing.
  • Provide health and wellbeing programs that support our employees and enhance the readiness and resilience of our workforce.
  • Promote workplace cohesiveness through health and wellbeing activities.
  • Act to reduce the potential for incidents and injuries which lead to lost time and other forms of absenteeism.

Through the implementation of the HVP Health, Safety and Wellbeing Strategy, HVP will foster a workplace where employees are motivated to take responsibility for their own Health, Safety and Wellbeing both at work and in their personal lives.

Melanie Cook
Chief Executive Officer

©2025 Hancock Victorian Plantations