As a sustainable natural resource owner and manager, we are a significant net sequester of carbon which means we have an essential role in being part of the climate change solution. However, we also recognise climate change’s effect on our extensive plantation forest estate across Victoria and our opportunity to mitigate the effects and adapt to improve climate outcomes.
Climate Commitment Statement
We have developed a Climate Commitment Statement and have committed to:
- Net Zero Emissions by 2030, and
- Reducing our scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions while working towards establishing emissions reduction targets as we complete further analysis.
To underpin our commitments, we have adopted four key objectives. The objectives mean that we will work towards:
- mitigating our direct and indirect emissions,
- actively managing our estate to adapt to a climate future with differing conditions,
- increase awareness of the role played by our plantations in carbon capture and,
- review and facilitate opportunities that enhance our progress, such as developing renewable energy projects on our estate.
Our Climate Commitment Statement also outlines how we will monitor our success as we strive towards meeting our commitments. To read more, download a copy of our statement.
Climate Disclosure Report
HVP’s Climate Disclosure Report sets out our:
- governance over climate change issues
- strategy for mitigating emissions and adapting to a changing climate
- management of risks around mitigation and adaptation
- measurement processes for both Net Zero and our emissions, and
- process for setting targets for emissions reduction.
The Report follows the voluntary disclosure framework developed in 2017 by the Financial Stability Board’s Taskforce for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”). Although financial year 2022 marked HVP’s first Climate Disclosure Report, climate change adaptation and recognition of the mitigation benefits of carbon sequestration have been part of our business since the company began in 1998. Download a copy of our most recent report to find out more.
©2025 Hancock Victorian Plantations