
Iconic Protection

We respect our people, stakeholders and the environment and recognise every forest has an environmental and social value. The values it contains may include rare species, recreational sites accessed by local residents, or locations with particular cultural heritage. Where these values are considered to be of outstanding significance or critical importance, the forest can be defined as a High Conservation Value Forest (HCV).

There are a number of species or native forest types in different areas of HVP’s estate that have been identified as having exceptional biodiversity or conservation value.

Riparian link on HVP managed land


Cool temperate rainforest

The following sites or forest types in HVP’s estate have been identified as having exceptional biodiversity or conservation value:

  • Concave Pomaderris (Northern Region) A small shrub found in only two locations, one of which is on HVP land.
  • Central Highlands Cool Temperate Rainforest (Gippsland Region) A sensitive environmental vegetation class considered endangered in Gippsland.
  • Western basalt plains grassland community (Western Region) A remnant example of native grasslands previously found more broadly in Western Victoria prior to agricultural conversion.
  • Native vegetation remnants – South West Victoria (Western Region) Remnant populations of native forest in an agrarian landscape.
  • Riparian links to Pheasant Creek Nature Conservation Reserve (Northern Region) Key linkages of native vegatation leading into the iconic Pheasant Creek Reserve.

Striated Sun Moth (Northern Region) A small striped sun moth found only at sites adjacent to HVP’s plantations in Shelley

This assessment has been reviewed and confirmed by an independent expert


Iconic Protection

Learn more about the High Conservation Values found in HVP’s estate.

Concave Pomaderris

October 8, 2015

The Concave Pomaderris Pomaderris subplicata is listed as Vulnerable under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and Threatened under the Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988.

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Striated Sun Moth

October 10, 2015

There are a series of relatively continuous Striated Sun Moth management zones within the HVP Shelley plantation area. These zones include the sites where moths have been observed and adjoining roadsides where good quality moth habitat is present (and therefore have the potential to support a moth population).

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