

Koalas occur across most forested parts of Victoria where there are suitable eucalypt species and adequate rainfall. Preferred species include Manna Gum Eucalyptus viminalis, Blue Gum Eucalyptus globulus, Yellow Stringybark Eucalyptus muelleriana, and Mountain Grey Gum, Eucalyptus cypellocarpa. Preferences can vary from one region to another.

Although their diet is almost entirely eucalypts, they may be found in other vegetation including pine plantation where they may shelter in bad weather or move through between preferred habitats.

The South Gippsland population of Koalas has been recognised for its genetic diversity and health and therefore is highly valued for the ongoing conservation of the species.

Koala Conservation

HVP has a Forest Management Plan which sets out a number of initiatives or policies that HVP has in place to help maintain the koala population within Victoria. The principle goal of these initiatives is enhancement of koala habitat. HVP is enhancing habitat by retention of E. viminalis plantations, retaining eucalypt trees in riparian corridors for habitat connectivity, replacement of pine trees in strategic locations with native species and primary koala food sources, and restoring priority native forest sites.

HVP conducts other activities to increase understanding of koala ecology in the Strzelecki Ranges by:

  • monitoring (biodiversity surveys/ census project)
  • conducting research (providing funding & in-kind)
  • rehabilitation (supporting rescue & rehabilitation).
Celebrating Australia’s iconic species this World Wildlife Day

HVP invests in koala conservation

HVP has played an important role in strengthening the genetics of Australia’s koalas, working with leading conversation bodies and the Victorian and South Australian Governments to relocate four male Strzelecki koalas to a South Australian-based breeding program.  The substantial conservation, veterinary and logistical exercise, captured in the video has been launched to coincide with World Wildlife Day and shows another way in which HVP is working to protect and enhance this iconic species.

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Koala Monitoring
& Research

HVP has a program to monitor Koala locations and populations.

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Koala monitoring
Koala spotting prior to harvest operation

Operating Standards

View our Operating Standards that facilitate minimising the risk to koala health and well-being during forest operations.

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HVP actively supports and works with organisations to rescue and rehabilitate Koalas.

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Koala in HVP Gippsland estate

©2025 Hancock Victorian Plantations