Field studies on HVP’s properties in the Strzelecki Ranges have provided the framework for gathering scientifically credible data on Koala habitat in the region. The field studies support a comprehensive forest management plan to meet the long-term needs of Koalas in the Strzeleckis.
HVP completes surveys annually for koalas in plantation areas and where it manages native forest in Gippslands’ Strzelecki Ranges and adjacent areas. The surveys involve locating all koalas within the identified harvest area or surveying for scats. Drone survey techniques have been developed to increase the certainty that all koalas are located.

This information contributes towards a greater understanding of the South Gippsland Koala including the location of koala populations within the Strzelecki Ranges and koala densities and habitat preferences.
Monitoring Results
HVP Koala monitoring results at June 30th for financial year 2020/2021. Measured in ha.
Area of preferred koala habitat on HVP land | 5310 |
Area of less preferred koala habitat on HVP land | 18737 |
Most recent koala survey | 2021 |
HVP has a long history of practically and financially supporting essential research, in partnership with Monash and Federation Universities, into the genetic boundaries and structure of the South Gippsland Koala Population across its range.
HVP Plantations gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the following people and organisations that have led past research that has improved the scientific understanding of koalas in Gippsland: Peter Menkhorst (DELWP) who provided the background and professional advice around management plans and operating standards for forestry; Dr. Steve Phillips who provided advice and training on Koala translocation methods and use of the RGBSAT for Koala surveys; Faye Wedrowicz (Monash / Federation University) for her genetic research on the South Gippsland / Strzelecki Koala population that has provided valuable insight into the genetics of the local Koala population; and Cheyne Flanagan and the Koala Hospital, Port Macquarie, for producing the Koala Rehabilitation Manual and providing advice in managing sick and injured Koalas.
HVP Plantations also acknowledges the contribution of the Australian Koala Foundation for their habitat mapping work leading to the completion of the Koala Habitat Atlas, which formed a basis for current Koala vegetation management across our Gippsland estate. Steve Phillips efforts are further acknowledged in developing the Koala Habitat Atlas as is the investment by the South Gippsland Landcare Network in contributing to its development.
HVP is currently working with Deakin University to enhance understanding of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the South Gippsland koala population, and the response of koalas to forest management activities.
©2025 Hancock Victorian Plantations