

HVP have a vision of respecting our communities and having them value us. For this to occur we need to get better at telling our story of economic growth and community support.  Our staff identify with the adage ‘We do the right thing when no-one is watching.’ This resonates with us, it is a true reflection of the role of the Australian forester.  Our staff are passionate about what we do. We love forests, we live in forests, and we depend on a healthy and sustainable environment to work, earn and live.

Our people are a key reason for our success.

As an organisation and as individuals we hold these values central to everything we do. We do the right thing when no one is watching. Integrity is essential to everything we do; managing other peoples investments, managing the environment, managing our operations.  Our staff need to be responsible and accountable and take ownership of decisions. We need to innovate, understand we need to do things better tomorrow than we did today.   And as a commercial business we must retain a commercial and customer focus to make every tree count whilst respecting the environment our people and stakeholders, to maintain the balance that is at the core of our mission.

HVP plans plantation operations to be environmentally responsible, socially acceptable and economically viable. On any given day HVP staff may be responsible for more than one hundred operations taking place across our estate.

These involve the:

Growing and tending of our trees and all of the activities associated with the health, and wellbeing of plants. From the preparation of the ground for planting to the management of the trees throughout the rest of the rotation.

All of the harvesting and subsequent transport of the harvested logs to customers


And the development and maintenance of the infrastructure needed to allow us to keep meeting the needs of our business and customers, like our 15,000km of private roads.

Harvest Operation

Operation Updates

We are working to improve how we communicate with the public; about what we do and how we do it. One way is to provide operational updates. These updates are of operations we consider will have significant general community interest. We also provide notification directly to our neighbours immediately adjacent to harvesting coupes, prior to aerial operations and where we have to undertake burning for residue or fuel reduction.


Please note this is not an exhaustive list of all current operations across the estate as there may be 100 different activities occurring on any given day.

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Plantation Life Cycle

HVP are committed to the highest standards of forest management. Our staff work hard to balance the environmental, social and economic values of our operations.



Learn more about the life cycle of the plantations and the activities that take place year in, year out over the planting, growing and harvest rotation, all across our estate.

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A Busy Forest
Planting of seedlings

Growing & Tending

Without careful land preparation, planting and then tending, our trees will not grow effectively to make the products that people use everyday. We plant 9 million new trees every year propagated at our nurseries.



A number of operations occur throughout the life of the tree to ensure both the tree and the whole plantation remain healthy, contribute environmental benefits by soaking up greenhouse gases and at the same time benefit regional communities through employing hundreds of local people.

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Harvesting & Transport

We harvest our trees at the end of their rotation to supply our customers, who make products that people use every day. We also use harvesting (thinning) as a tool for maintaining plantation health and reducing competition for elements essential for growth, such as water, sunlight and nutrients.

Once the trees have been harvested and brought to the roadside we need to get them to our customers.


We transport more than 60,000 tonne of wood to local processors every week. That is enough wood to cover the surface of the MCG one meter high, three times each week.

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Harvest and Transport from Log landing
Road maintenance

Infrastructure and Maintenance


Our estate has nearly 20,000 hectares of infrastructure, mainly roads and log landing areas but also includes our depots, nurseries and offices, fire towers, quarries, airstrips, water tanks, bridges, fire dams and helicopter pads. All essential for HVP to protect our assets, undertake our operations and continue to supply our customers with the products sourced from our plantations.

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©2025 Hancock Victorian Plantations